Terms and Conditions

Conditions of use

  • The Incentive Company (Pty) Ltd, Reg No 2015/256643/07, is hereafter referred to as The Incentive Company.
  • CANON SA is hereafter referred to as The Organiser
  • Users may download, view and print content from this site for private and non-commercial purposes only. Should any commercial use of any content on this site be required, please contact Debbie Ghillino on +27 731843002 or email: debbie@theincentivecompany.co.za.
  • If a user may submit any content of its own to this website such user allows TIC an exclusive, transferable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty free license to use such content in any manner whatsoever.
  • Any and all rights not expressly granted are reserved. All moral rights of The Incentive Company and its employees/agents are reserved.
  • The Organiser, its affiliated companies, directors, officers, employees and agents, advertising agencies, advisers or suppliers are not responsible for any information which is not received by the Organiser, whether timeously or at all, for whatever reason and regardless of the cause thereof. It is the Participant's responsibility to ensure that any information provided is true, accurate and complete.
  • The Organiser will not be responsible for any costs or expenses which a Participant, or his/her partner, incur during, and for purposes of participation in, the incentive and/or the acceptance and/or use of any prizes/points/vouchers.

Intellectual property rights

  • All the content, trademarks and data on this website, including text, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, private information, designs and agreements, are the property of or licensed to The Incentive Company and as such are protected from infringement by local and international legislation and treaties.


  • No person, business or website may frame this site or any of the pages on this site in any way whatsoever.


  • Any person who delivers, or attempts to deliver, any damaging code or content to this website, or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page on this website shall be prosecuted and civil damages shall be claimed should The Incentive Company suffer any damage or loss as a result of that delivery or attempt to deliver damaging code or content.


  • In the event that a user breaches any clause of these terms and conditions, The Incentive Company may:
    • Warn the user;
    • Suspend the users account; and
    • Take any appropriate legal action against the user.

Governing law

  • This site is hosted, controlled and operated from the Republic of South Africa and therefore the applicable South African law and the jurisdiction of the South African courts shall govern any action in terms of the use or inability to use this site.

Amendments to agreement

  • The Incentive Company may, without prejudice and at its sole discretion, amend all or any part of this agreement, at any time and without prior notification
  • The Organiser reserves the right to vary, amend, suspend, postpone or terminate the Incentive and/or any of the prizes/points/vouchers, or any aspect or part thereof, for any reason whatsoever, and without notice, in its sole and absolute discretion. In such event, you hereby waive any rights or expectations which you may have against the Organiser or any other companies associated with the Incentive and acknowledge that you will not have any recourse of any nature against the Organiser or any other company or individual associated with the incentive.
  • Instructions pertaining to the incentive form part of the Terms and Conditions. All information relating to the incentive and published on any promotional material will form part of the terms and conditions of entry.
  • Participants in the incentive acknowledge by their participation in the incentive that they have read the legal notice pertaining to this site.


  • Each Participant, or his/her estate (as applicable), indemnifies and holds the Organiser, its affiliated companies, directors, officers, employees and agents, advertising agencies, advisers and suppliers harmless against any claim by any participant or his/her partner of any nature (including, without limitation, in relation to the provision of personal data or connected with or pursuant to any prizes/points/vouchers awarded or not awarded), whether arising from negligence or any other cause, relating to the injury, loss, liability, expense and/or damage (whether direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential) which Participant, or his/her partner, may suffer in relation to Participants participation in this incentive or acceptance and/or use by Participant of prizes/points/vouchers (or Participants partners use of prize/vouchers).
  • By participating in this incentive, participants agree, along with any person with whom any participant may share any prize/voucher (a “partner”), to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. Any breach of the terms and conditions may, at the Organisers absolute discretion, result in the forfeiture of any prize/points/vouchers and each Participant indemnifies and holds Organiser, its affiliated companies, directors, offices, employees and agents, advertising agencies, advisers and suppliers harmless against any claim by any person (whether direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential) of any nature, whether arising from negligence or any other cause, relating to the death, injury, loss and/or damage which may be suffered in relation to Participants breach (or that of Participants partner) of these terms and conditions. 
  • The Organiser will not be held liable for any misinterpretation of any prize/points/vouchers, rules and conditions or any specific part thereof. No liability is accepted for any loss or damages relating to the use of the Organisers website and/or the reliance on information caused in it.
  • Participants agree and acknowledge that participation in the incentive, and Participants acceptance and/or use of the prize/points/vouchers, or any aspect thereof, is at Participants own risk. Participants acknowledge that the acceptance and use of any prize/points/vouchers is subject to the proviso that all of the terms and conditions will apply.
  • The Organiser does not make any representations or give any warranties as to any prize/points/voucher, and in particular, but without limitation, the Organiser makes no representations and gives no warranty that a Participant's participation in the incentive will necessarily result in that Participant winning prizes/points/vouchers or that any prize/point/voucher, or any aspect thereof, will be satisfactory, preferential, safe or free from defects.
  • Please note that there is an 8% handling fee on all vouchers


  • Neither The Incentive Company nor any of its agents or representatives shall be liable for any damage, loss or liability of whatsoever nature arising from the use or inability to use this website or the services or content provided from and through this website.
  • Furthermore, The Incentive Company makes no representations or warranties, implied or otherwise, that, amongst others, the content and technology available from this website are free from errors or omissions or that the service will be 100% uninterrupted and error free. Users are encouraged to report any possible malfunctions and errors to Debbie Ghillino on +27 73 184 3002 or email: debbie@theincentivecompany.co.za.
  • This website is supplied on an "as is" basis and has not been compiled or supplied to meet the user's individual requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the user to satisfy him or herself prior to entering into this agreement with The Incentive Company that the service available from and through this website will meet the user's individual requirements and be compatible with the user's hardware and/or software.

SARS Personal Tax Implications:

  • All Rewards payments are made to you as an individual and are paid gross of tax. Earnings derived from incentives are classified as "additional income" and thus attract personal taxation. It is your own responsibility to declare this income to SARS in your personal annual tax return. The Incentive Company (Pty) Ltd and Canon SA will accept no liability for your failure to declare this income. An annual Tax Year statement of any rewards earnings paid to you under the Canon SA Rewards for All can be obtained by sending a request to: rewardsforall@theincentivecompany.co.za